How Do You Write A Conclusion To A Research Paper?

What do you need to know about writing the conclusion to your research paper? This is an important chapter in your paper. In as much as this is one of the shortest sections in the paper, it is one of the hardest that you will ever have to work on in as far as the research paper is concerned. A lot of students do not really know what needs to be done in this chapter, and it is because of this reason that they often end up failing.

You have already put in a lot of effort into the other sections of the paper and for the same reason you would not need to lose marks in this one. With a few tips in the right direction, there is a good chance that you will know what to do, how to do it and how to make sure that you can get the best results from the same. The following are some brilliant ideas that will help you get some really good work done on the conclusion for your paper:

  • Echo the introduction
  • Sum up the paper
  • Go back to the thesis statement
  • Read some samples

Echo the introduction

One of the simplest ways of getting this section done is to try and echo the introduction of the paper that you have written so far. With this, you will basically have confirmed to the reader that the paper has come to an end, by taking their minds back to the information that you gave them in the introduction to your paper.

Sum up the paper

A common mistake that some students make is to confuse the recommendations with the conclusion. These two chapters are very different. Do not make the mistake of introducing a new idea in the conclusion. Make sure that everything you do here is on a conclusive note.

Go back to the thesis statement

The thesis statement provides a good opportunity for you to provide the reader the direction of your paper. If you are running out of ideas on what to do, try and echo this statement in your conclusion and you will certainly make sure that you write a good one.

Read some samples

Finally, it would be really good if you were able to spend some time reading some sample papers. This will give you a good idea into what needs to be done, and some hands-on experience.

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